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Learn the skin-check ABCDEs

Your dermatologist has certainly advised you to regularly check the moles on your body and face for any change or deterioration, that might be a sign or more serious skin issues like melanoma. .

The easiest way to remember what it is that you should be looking out for is the alphabet letters!

  • Α for Asymmetry:

    If you draw a line through the middle of a healthy mole, the two sides will match, meaning it is symmetrical. If you draw a line through a dangerous mole, the two halves will not match, meaning it is asymmetrical, a warning sign for melanoma.

  • B for (Border):

    A benign mole has smooth, even borders, unlike melanomas. The borders of an early melanoma tend to be uneven. The edges may be scalloped or notched.

  • C for Colour:

    Most benign moles are all one color — often a single shade of brown. Having a variety of colors is another warning signal. A number of different shades of brown, tan or black could appear. A melanoma may also become red, white or blue.

  • D for Diameter:

    Benign moles usually have a smaller diameter than malignant ones. Melanomas usually are larger in diameter than the eraser on your pencil tip (¼ inch or 6mm), but they may sometimes be smaller when first detected.

  • Ε for Evolution:

    Common, benign moles look the same over time. Be on the alert when a mole starts to evolve or change in any way. When a mole is evolving, see a doctor. Any change — in size, shape, color, elevation, or another trait, or any new symptom such as bleeding, itching or crusting — points to danger.

If you notice any of the above signs, make sure you contact your dermatologist.