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Our Clinic performs mesotherapies that aim at improving the skin texture, its moisture and nourishment, as well as at contributing to anti-aging. By the term mesotherapy, we mean all such therapies in which the material we use is infused into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin). It is performed through different methods and materials including vitamins, amino acids or hyaluronic acid, depending on the needs of each patient and upon clinical assessment.

DERMAPEN is a state-of-the-art micro needling device which uses multiple needles vertically accessing your skin through automatic vibration. As DERMAPEN head moves onto the face surface, it creates tiny holes on the skin, stimulating the natural production of collagen. Treatment products reach fibroblasts and nourish the cells of the chorion and the basal skin layer. Such tiny holes may capture up to 80% more nutritious ingredients of the ones applied. Such reinforced absorption stimulates restructuring process and rapidly regenerates the skin.

ACR AUTOLOGOUS MESOTHERAPY makes use of the healing capacity of patients’ own blood for the biostimulation of skin cells. The process begins by collecting patient’s blood into special tubes; then, the blood undergoes centrifugation and that is how we receive the autologous plasma rich in platelets. Platelets and red blood cells of the plasma are separated by a special gel placed into the tubes. The benefits derived of regen plasma include the improvement of elasticity, vigor and endurance of the skin, the improvement of discolorations and collagen restructuring.