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Spring Clean Your Skin! 5 reasons why now is the best time to take care of your skin.

Every new season we clean and take care of our house and our closets, making sure they are rid off any clutter and feeling light and airy, ready to welcome the new season. Well, the exact same thing is what we should be doing for our skin.

Actually, the beginning of spring is the perfect timing to take care of our skin. Do you know why?

  • To rid it from dead cells, dry skin, and all that accumulated during the winter months that made it look dull, and resurface a clean, radiant, rejuvenated complexion.

  • To prepare and reinforce it just in time for the harsh conditions that it will face during the upcoming warm months (uv radiance, allergies, heat and humidity...)

  • Because there is no hiding from the bright light of the sun that will reveal any imperfections and misbehaving of the winter, if you don't make sure you take care of them timely.

  • Because many treatments cannot be performed during the months of increased sunshine in order to avoid irritation and sensitivity of the skin. So now is pretty much our last chance to take advantage of them for the next months.

  • To change your daily skincare routine and adjust your habits and products to the new weather/enviromental conditions according to your dermatologist's instructions (lighter moisterizers, caution with acids, sunscreen...)