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These Are The Peeling Treatments That Stars Do Before They Hit The Red Carpet

as published in

Immediate radiance with these non-invasive treatments that don't require downtime.

Do you want a clear and radiant skin before a big night, but you have no time to dedicate to treatments that turn your skin red and require days of downtime?

We discovered the secret of celebrities. Glō chemical peels are the so called “Red Carpet” treatments that exfoliate and offer radiance to the skin in minutes, without irritating it.

Find the treatment that is ideal for your skin type and be radiant like a star just before the holidays.

glō enzyme peel

Upper layer dermabrasion which requires no restoration time. A scrubbing factor with cranberry and pomegranate natural enzymes is used in order to make your dry, dull and dehydrated skin glow. Salicylic acid removes dead cells by revealing a smooth and clean skin, controlling at the same time skin oiliness. It is ideal for acne problems, non-uniform skin toning and color, skin dehydratio

glō flower enzyme peel

Its composition includes hibiscus, passion flower and pumpkin in order to regenerate the skin by using natural enzymes which remove dead cells, giving your skin a bright glance. Fruit extracts enhance the composition with mild organic acids that activate and revivify your skin, offering, at the same time, strong anti-oxidant protection. An ideal scrubbing for skins sensitive to alpha-hydroxy acids and other scrubbing factors or for those who wish a mild scrub.

glō glycolic peel

A chemical peeling which aims at skin restoration and regeneration. It rectifies aging marks and non-uniformity of skin texture and color toning. The glō glycolic peeling includes anti-oxidants which preserve skin natural hydrating properties, empower the trichoid vessels and act as anti-inflammatory agents. It is one of the most popular peelings for those seeking for a powerful solution to common skin problems, such as acne, wrinkles, spots or discolorations. Before having the glō glycolic peeling applied at the clinic, you have to make a 10-day serum preparation at home.